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Treat yourself to an indulgent escape in the sunshine with a stay at one of our handpicked luxury hotels in Tenerife. Enjoy a break at a secluded spot amongst subtropical gardens or perhaps indulge in a spa retreat at a slick resort.

Choose from hotels in the south, which has a more rugged landscape and is most popular, or the north, which is greener and a little more unspoilt. Whether you prefer an authentic spot modelled on a traditional Canarian village or a modern set-up with extensive facilities, browse our hotels to find the perfect luxury break.

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Hotel Review

Hard Rock Hotel, Adeje, Tenerife

Rates provided by Booking.com

from £155.88

Rates provided by Booking.com

Expect displays, museums and live music in addition to the usual five-star luxuries at this welcoming music-lovers resort, with two towers named Nirvana and Oasis